Donations are the key to allowing Dance for the Cure to provide funding to women in need due to the effects of Breast Cancer, and these donations come in many forms, from monetary gifts to donations of items to be used in our basket raffle, gift cards, services and more. So how do we acquire all of these donations? Soliciting donations is a key element behind the fundraising efforts of our 100% volunteer staff.

After sending letters to past and prospective donors seeking donations of money, prizes and services, our team will follow up with in-person visits, Facebook messages and phone calls. We consider all of the businesses and restaurants that we frequent and ask for their support. We find they are very receptive as it is a great way for them to help their community and promote their business at the same time!
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill
Hear from Dance for the Cure Volunteers...
"Supporting Dance for the Cure brings people together and is an outlet to “make a difference,” no matter how big or small." - Jackie Haren
"I am thankful for the support my daughter received and becoming a volunteer was my way of giving back." - Teresa Foti
"I saw firsthand what wonderful organization Dance for the Cure is when they helped my family and I during my breast cancer diagnosis in 2018. Once I finished treatment, I knew I needed to be part of this amazing group and pay it forward. It is so rewarding to know that you are helping people right here at home!" - Rosalinda Giles
Would you like to get involved? Contact Joanne Liscovitz to find out more.