The Ribbons of Hope basket raffle, Dance for the Cure's annual October fundraiser, yielded over $100,000 in donations, making it possible for us to continue our mission of helping breast cancer patients in need. We could not have done it without our basket runner superstars of the hour: fraternity brothers from Theta Delta Chi at Rutgers and BRHS cheerleaders.
As ticket numbers were announced, the lucky winner screamed with excitement waving their pompoms in the air. The young ladies or gentlemen then rushed over to greet the prize winner with their basket and check their ticket. In total, nearly 200 baskets were transported. Their teamwork and coordination using the basket retrieval and delivery system allowed the raffle to run smoothly, and we can’t thank them enough!

"This year, we were lucky enough to have fraternity brothers of Theta Delta Chi, at Rutgers University who were participating in a philanthropy outreach assignment. These young men, sporting pink ties for the occasion, helped deliver our heavy gift baskets to our excited winners, even assisting with delivery to their cars! We hope we can count on them next year!" – Joanne Liscovitz, DFC Co-founder
"Shoutout to the Bridgewater-Raritan High School Cheerleaders! Thanks to Brooke Herbst, one of Dance for the Cure's most valuable volunteers, we enjoy the help of the cheerleaders year after year as they help deliver almost 200 gift baskets to the happy winners at Ribbons of Hope. Thank you, girls, for your commitment to our event!" – Kathleen Cirioli, DFC Co-founder
We appreciate all the help we can get, especially around our busiest time of year that is known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Even just a few hours, like these young volunteers were able to contribute, makes a significant difference. Giving back brings so much joy into the community and is such a great experience, especially for younger generations. In today’s world, it’s easier than ever to get wrapped up in our own thoughts and motives. Volunteering is a great way to ground ourselves, practice selflessness, and do amazing things that impact those in our own neighborhoods all while having fun. We look forward to introducing many more young people to the world of volunteering by providing opportunities to become a part of Dance for the Cure.

Are you interested in volunteering?
Please visit our Support Us page or contact Joanne or Kathleen directly.
Visit our Volunteers page to see our great team!